Mystical Beasts Ardmore 14

A Highland Beast of 56,8%

On my Instagram I have a recurring theme on Monday. Monday is Sample Night.
After a long and often heavy start of the work week, I allow myselfg a wee dram at night. But I'm not allowed to pick a bottle.  I'm allowed to pick a sample. That way I know it's going to be only one dram, and I make it last.

Those samples I get by trading samples, so sending some vials I filled, receiving some others. Or I get them because people really want me to try it. So my Drambuddie Dramblingman shares his Explorers Pack once in a while. So I get to try some beautiful drams.
Or Robbert, Brand Ambassador for Spirits Services, who sends me some  to try and t review.
So here it is: Todays review is sponsored by Spirits Services, a full service importer and distributor of curated spirit brands for Europe.
And what are we drinking today? This awesome edition of Mythical Beasts.
I love this series. I had some before. So I was really looking forward to this dram.

When I poured this dram, I immediately smelled a fresh fruity peatiness.
But I go too fast. As you are expecting from me, color first:
The color is a bright yellow with a golden hue. Making it dance around the glass, I get a thin line with some hesitant medium legs.
This cask strenght, single cask has not been colored and  is un-chill filtered.
It was bottled at 56,8% vol.

On the nose: A great combination of fresh fruits (Peaches and fresh apricots) combined with a 'wet' smoke and some earthy notes. Almost like grass dying underneath a tarp. In a nice way. Some light hints of leather.

Taste: Spices. And spicy. The spiciness comes from the alcohol, that packs a slight punch in this dram. But is also has some very nice notes of nutmeg, cloves, and some pepper. All accompanied by jellied oranges and a little bit of sugar syrup. On the end I got some tannines going towards leather and a bit of oak.

Finish is medium. And I like this one a lot. Still some peatiness that stays on the palate, without being a dominant smoke flavor. Next to that some roasted nuts like almonds and hazelnuts. 

Thank you Robbert, for this very nice dram!